Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

010: Tips for Publishing a Cookbook with Jamielyn Nye



Cookbook author and food blogger Jamielyn Nye takes us through the process of going from food blogging to being a published cookbook author: Brainstorm a topic and chapters for the book. Write a proposal. Hire an agent (or directly pitching to the publisher). Select the publisher that is the best fit. Thinking about the process and what you want to hire out. Hiring a recipe tester, ghost writer, photographer, etc are important to consider. Look for an attorney to help go over the contract details. Create a plan of action for how many recipes you will test/make each week. Select a range of recipe testers (based on location, skill level, age, etc.) Have head recipe tester (or someone) edit the recipes based on feedback from recipe testers and adjust recipes as needed. Once the recipe has been fully tested, photograph and edit for final product. Work on manuscript - send first round to editor. Finalize manuscript. Plan the PR and marketing efforts. Book Launch plan. Book launch long term plan.