Bobby Pickles' Podcast

Dina Rae (Halo of the Damned) |BOBBY PICKLES’ PODCAST™️ EP 8



This episode, along with episodes 6 and 7, were all recorded on the eve of the Mayan Apocalypse, December 20th 2012 in the year of our lord, 2012. Feeling pretty amped up that night, Bobby decided to tape some shows. On this particular episode, Bobby speaks with Dina Rae, a loving wife and mother who resides in the Chicago suburbs and writes novels of fiction about what we both agree to be non fiction subject matter: conspiracy theories, illuminati, free masonry. Looks like Alex Jones and Stephen King just had a zombie baby who speaks with a Midwest twang! For more information about Dina and/or her books: Dina Rae Twitter: @haloofthedamned