Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Compassionate Capitalists - 37 Angels Showing the Way for Women Angel Investors



Karen Rands is joined by Angela Lee, Founder of 37 Angels to talk about learning to be an angel investor and growing the community of women angel investors.   Angela shares her journey to becoming an angel investor, the passion and purpose behind starting 37 Angels 8 years ago, and the 4 Ps of evaluating a startup investment deal.     37 Angels has been successful with 75 portfolio companies in part because of their focus on educating investors with their BootCamp to give the the knowledge and tools to feel comfortable with making angle investments -  To "Shine a light into the black box of Angel investing". Learn More at http://www.37angels.com/ Angela Lee is currently the Professor of Practice - VC/Leadership & Strategy at Columbia Business School, having previously served as Chief Innovation Officer in executive roles.  Within that expertise, since 2010 she has been a called upon speaker and trainer on the topics of innovation, inclusion and investing at NASA, Amazon, BMW, NYSE and even the Whitehou