Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Turning Abandoned Coal Fields into a Bee Sanctuary - Impact Investing 2020



Kirk Taylor & Mark Jensen join Karen Rands to discuss how they saw an opportunity to have an impact on the Appalachian Coal Mining region by overcoming the challenges of a community that so no way to turn their economy and environment around. Bees are by far the most significant animal pollinators and critical to the ecosystem. Their ability to thrive has been threatened for decades due to environmental impact of black carbon air pollution and excessive use of toxic pesticides.  Through the Land Betterment Corp, Kirk & Mark are healing the land, growing the local economy, benefiting the environmental ecosystem, giving people a vision for a better future, and making money doing it - Compassionate Capitalism. Entrepreneurs and investors are encouraged to look at novel ways they may invest their time and money to have the greatest impact and ROI as we seek to invigorate regions and industries damaged by economic downturn from COVID 19.  Kirk Taylor, President & CFO, and Mark Jensen, Executive Chairm