Movers + Mavericks

The Rewire Project - Tony Molina - Episode 36



Following on from Finding Flow with Jamie Wheal we bring you the second podcast from our California and Texas trip, this time with the guy who has changed our ideas on fitness and health more than any other. We describe him to others as a real life Jason Bourne, Tony Molina, founder of the Rewire Project began life in Marine Reconnaisance, endured more than most crossing countries at speed and then found himself wanting to understand more about his own physical performance in order to support others to get out there rather than watch vicariously on a screen.The Rewire Project his boutique health and fitness space looks like no other gym we have set foot in, there are no free weights, no tredmills or rowing machines, and yet here you will boost your systemic health, increase your performance and develop the skills to do things that you never perhaps thought you would, getting out of your comfort zone and making the choice whether to thrive or survive.In fact the testing workout which Tony had us do was probabl