Burner Podcast

Episode 128: Responsible Hedonism



Episode 128: Responsible Hedonism New York Dangerous camp co-founder Leon Feingold runs on all cylinders The co-founder of New York Dangerous, Leon Feingold, runs one of the largest all volunteer charities in New York. He shares stories of his upbringing, the founding of their Burning Man camp and the very emotional and powerful backstory of how the House of Good Deeds came to be. Closing set by Alex Os (Hearts Collective Music) nyd.nyc houseofgooddeeds.org facebook.com/BringHeat facebook.com/DJDragonov facebook.com/HrtsCollective soundcloud.com/real_alexos instagram.com/realalexos instagram.com/jamesdankofficial instagram.com/tbeek16 instagram.com/saxmachine1234 catharsisonthemall.com novaukraine.org/burning-man-art-installation-2019-catharsis