Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Get To, Lessons From Cancer, and the Productivity Power Hour Reprise EP 130



Catherine Avery was sick last week and unable to record a new podcast episode. Because we’re running a special series this month called March MADHDness, Catherine selected this episode which previously aired on June 23, 2021 (Episode 96). She talks about shifting your language from saying “have to” to “get to” and why this changes everything. She describes how she learned this lesson from cancer and shares how she managed her life at a time when life became unmanageable. And how there were many opportunities for deep gratitude. She also explains what her official ADHD combined type diagnosis looked and felt like. Finally, tune in as she explains the Productivity Power Hour and the Pomodoro Method and why it works so well for her clients. Accountability is a big part of it. She ends with an offer to check out her accountability group:  Exponentially Productive  To learn more about your host, Catherine Avery: Productivity by Design (link www.productivitybydesign.com) To connect with Catherine: Productivity Bre