Unconventional Life With Jules Schroeder

Ep308: The Art of Matchmaking with Celebrity Matchmaker and Mogul Brands Founder Lisa Holley Palmer



Lisa Palmer is an Entrepreneur, Author, Public Speaker, and Mentor. Lisa created the Mogul Brand’s Mogul Matchmakers, Mogul Private Office, Mogul Vision TV & Film Production Company, Mogul Love Community and Mogul Freedom Charity, Mogul Love Media - TV Show. She is a qualified relationship expert, dating coach, image consultant. She has spoken and appeared on Good Morning Britain, Channel 5, ITV This Morning, Property TV, BBC Radio A mentor for the Prince's trust which is a youth charity that helps vulnerable young people get their lives on track. Lisa’s first book is called “The Secrets to What Men Really Want” and her second, "The D Word - When He’s Got To Go, He’s Got To Go". More from Lisa Instagram - @lisapalmerofficial Mogul Matchmakers - https://www.mogulmatchmakers.co.uk/  LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/mogul-matchmakers/about/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/mogulmatchmaker