Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Transforming Leaders from Inside Out - (Episode 120)



Today’s guest, Shannon Graham, realized he was an entrepreneur since his early teens. When he was in school, he would take the one-cent CDs from the Columbia House catalog and upsell them to his friends and classmates to make a profit. This was his very first taste of being a business owner, and he knew it was for him.Graham began his coaching career in his early 20s while working a full-time job. It did not take long for him to start making more income from his coaching business than his full-time career. By that point, he quit his nine to five to work full time for himself and has never looked back. He now works with ultra-high net worth individuals who have gone through the ultimate failure (losing their purpose and not achieving their fulfillment) through his million-dollar program — Second Summit. His goal is to bring together the 98 percent and the 2 percent to create a better world and bring civilization to Tier One — a civilization that can utilize all the natural energy resources on a planet. But bef