Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

180: The Heart of Self Love: Self-Compassion, Care & Pleasure (#3 of 4)



Self-compassion, self-care and self-pleasure are three of branches of self-love that make up the 'heart line.' When these kinds of self love are strong within us, we are stronger and healthier in our hearts - emotionally, physically and spiritually. With a strong heart line of self-love we are able to be both compassionate and courageous. Able to give sympathy and empathy to others, with healthy boundaries, and without becoming too emotionally entagled that we lose ourselves.  We have the internal foundation to both give and recieve, without guilt. Able to give to and support others and the work and causes we care for, and receive what we need to be sustained and valued in our exchange.  Instead of giving and giving like well that runs dry, we give and receive, so the water keeps flowing. So instead of feeling like we have to sacriifce our souls for work, success, stability or a cause, we feel nourished. We RETAIN our radiance vs become dried up prunes, burned out lights, and self sacrificing martyrs or machi