Uindy's Potluck Podcast

UIndy's Potluck Podcast - SEASON 3 – EPISODE 2 – Joe Laycock



In this episode of the UIndy Potluck Podcast, where we host conversations about the arts, ENGLISH 479 students Savannah Harris and Hope Coleman interview the 2020 Whirling Prize winner in prose. Etchings Press, a student-run publisher at University of Indianapolis, awards The Whirling Prize each fall to two books that demonstrate an excellent and compelling response to a theme selected by students. The 2020 theme was the genre of Horror, and the student judges talk with Joe Laycock who edited the winning anthology, The Penguin Book of Exorcisms. Special thanks to Music Technology major Oliver Valle for editing this episode’s audio. Joseph P Laycock is an assistant professor of religious studies at Texas State University and a co-editor of the journal Nova Religio. He is the author or editor of several books about religion, including Speak of the Devil, Spirit Possession Around the World, and The Seer of Bayside, and has written for Quartz and The New Republic. We thank you for listening to UIndy's Potluck Pod