The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

How To Turn Interviews Into Leads, Sales & Cash - With Tom Schwab



Today we are joined by a guy I’ve known since some of the earliest days of my career.. Not only have Tom & I watched each other grow but we’ve also seen eachother in action. After years of proof and demonstrated skill I can confidently say Tom Schwab knows a lot about how to build an online business.. He also understands marketing, at it’s heart, is starting a conversation with someone who could be an ideal customer. Tom helps small business owners & entrepreneurs get featured on leading podcasts their prospects are already listening to. Then he shows them how to turn those listeners into customers. To help you do this he’s authored his latest book: “Connect: Grow your business as a podcast guest.” as well as creating the “CONNECT Online Course” and founding the full service booking concierge program “Interview Valet”. I’ve asked Tom to join us today so we can talk a little bit about the past and how he became an expert at getting people interviewed and turning those interviews into leads, sales &