The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Scaling Up Sales Using Salesmanship In Print - With Otto Ruebsamen



Today we are joined by longtime friend & copywriting expert - Otto Ruebsamen.. When he was 19 Otto was inspired by a living legend in copywriting. Seeing how copywriting had produced billions of dollars in sales for a single person, Otto committed himself to becoming an expert at the art and science of salesmanship in print. 12 years later, Otto has written successful campaigns selling everything from high end coaching, information products, seminars, skin care, supplements, vertical jump training and even definitive guides for breastfeeding mothers. Copywriting is important because of how it allows a business to standardize & scale their sales process.. Instead of having 10+ sales reps out in the field all doing things with their own flavour, you can do it all with the written word and make sure your prospects get the exact same experience.. I’ve asked Otto to join us today to share with us answers to questions such as: - Why copy is so important in everything you do - What to hone in on with you