The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

How To Make Millions Using Free Publicity - With Esther Kiss



Today we are joined by Publicity guru Esther Kiss.. I’ve known Esther for going on 2 years now and of all the guest we’ve had on the show, all the publicity reps I’ve come across, Esther has not only the highest caliber clientele, but she is also a complete PR Ninja when it comes to getting press. Esther helps experts get more publicity online so they get more leads and sales.. She’s the founder of “Born to Influence” and she does just that. Having gotten her clients on TV, in newspapers, magazines as well as on some of the top podcasts in the world, including mine (ha ha ha) resulting in millions of dollars of additional sales. Like me, she’s also tri-lingual, except her 3 languages are English, Hungarian & Dutch. I invited her to come on the show today because she’s so good at what she does, I thought you, ours listeners, might want to know all about how to get interviews & mentions in the press.   Enjoy! --- Mission Statement: My mission is to create 200 new multi-millionaire business owne