The Best Business Podcast With Daryl Urbanski

Over 7 figures and counting! How? Video Marketing - With Casey Zeman



Casey is the best selling author of 'Build Your Audience with Live Video', the Founder of the webinar platform, EasyWebinar (a software that does both live and automated webinars) and the new Periscope analytic and marketing software Fullscope.Tv.   With over 6,000+ EasyWebinar customers & thousands of Fullscope users, Casey has figured out what works and what doesn't in the way of webinars, live broadcasts, video and what truly makes an engaged audience. He's also consulted such companies as Harper Collins, Estee Lauder and Dell on video marketing strategies and lead nurture funnels using webinars. Having built his own 7 figure software/info product business through the power of 'live video' and webinars, he's passionate to bringing these same strategies to you. Today we’re mining his brain for gold and money making tips so please join me in welcoming him to the show. Enjoy! --- Mission Statement: My mission is to create 200 new multi-millionaire business owners who