The John Morris Show

JMS432: The secret to nearly limitless productivity



A few years back, my wife and I uprooted our entire lives and sold our 2,000-sqft home in Omaha to move to "hillbilly heaven" in southern Missouri and build our version of a "tiny house".A small-ish, 800-sqft home on 3.5 acres.Backed up to a lake deep in the Ozark Mountains.And when I say "we built"...I mean WE built it. My little brother and I did almost everything... from digging the trenches for the water and electrical to building the custom, gabled roof, running the electrical -- all of it except for the siding.That's the one thing I hired a contractor for.Anyway, as you can imagine, it was an intense affair -- especially considering I did it while still managing several freelance clients, running a 6-figure business and homeschooling my kids.And, I quickly learned...All the good-sounding nonsense you get from most of the productivity "experts"... it's cute. It's probably all well and good if you're trying increase your productivity by 10 or 20% -- get a "little extra" done throughout the day.But, on day