The John Morris Show

JMS414: How to Become a 6-Figure Freelancer



Make six figures as a freelancer? Gimme a break. Even just writing that in the subject line makes me want to vomit in my rum and Co-- I mean, coffee. You don't want wanna make six figures. You'll be over-worked and miserable. You have to sell your soul, ruin relationships and kiss your client's feet. Seriously, run away...That's what they say, anyway.It's so weird to me. Everybody wants it, but nobody wants to talk about it or admit it. And, the people who've done it get all sweaty and awkward when it comes up. Why? Anyway, I don't care. I'll say it if nobody else will.I've made six figures freelancing.It wasn't an accident.It didn't just fall out of the sky and I'm "so blessed"... yada, yada, yada.I made it a goal. I came up with a plan. I worked my arse off to attain it. And, it felt good as hell the first time I did it. It didn't make me miserable. I didn't sell my soul or become a graveling "yes man" to my clients. It, frankly, was great.Is that bragging?So, be it.Don't care.It's the truth.Now, the questi