The John Morris Show

JMS405: Turn Content Into Clients. My New Course Is Live!



This is the link to learn more about getting free access:'s the description of the course:When I first started freelancing, I had no idea how to get clients. No plan for how to grow my business. I didn’t know what worked and what didn’t. I took any client I could get, worked on projects I had no passion for, worked with clients I couldn’t stand and was terrified month to month:“Where will the clients come from?”“Will I make enough to pay my bills?”“Will it always be this stressful?”And then, I discovered content marketing. And, I learned how to build a funnel. I figured out what things to say and how to attract high-paying clients. Clients I enjoyed working with, who valued my work and fit my personality. Projects I was excited to work on.I ended up working on projects for Inc. Magazine.Bestselling authors like Tim Ferriss.Lewis Howes.And Michael Hyatt.People I’d never imagined I’d get to work with when I first started. More than that, I finally had a plan and a system. I knew