Dr. Caroline Leaf Podcast

Episode #72: How to correctly deal with disappointment and failure



We have all had to face failure and disappointment in our lives. These negative experiences can really drain us emotionally and mentally, and if not dealt with correctly can create toxic structures in our brains. In this episode I discuss 5 steps to correctly dealing with disappointment and failure in order to move on and protect our mental health, and how to turn every failure into an opportunity to improve and grow. For more info on my research project and how you can get involved visit: https://www.drleafresearch.com For more info on my 2019 Conference and to register visit: https://drleafconference.com To sign up for my weekly newsletter go to: https://drleaf.com For more info about my new app Switch (coming soon!!): https://theswitch.app. To get the pre-order special (less 30%) go to: https://theswitch.app/promo/