Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

The Ultimate Plot Twist // Jamie Nunnally



What is your life story? Where does your story go from here? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares about the plot twists in the story of Jesus. Because of the life of Jesus, you can experience a plot twist in your own story. The cross is Jesus’ death for me, but the empty grave is Jesus’ life for me.The cross gets me into heaven, but the empty grave gets heaven into me.The cross reveals Jesus as savior, but the empty grave reveals Jesus as king,The cross paid for my sin, the empty grave means that the payment was accepted. I think God likes plot twists. Just when people think everything is falling apart, He causes things to fall into place. Just when you think you’re done, He turns a dead end into a doorway. The story of Jesus has an amazing amount of plot twists.Plot twist: One of Jesus’ disciples betrays Him. John 13:2Plot twist: After the Passover meal, Jesus washes the feet of the disciples. John 13:5 Plot twist: Peter cuts off someone's ear. John 18:10Plot twist: The Jews want Barabbas relea