Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Identity, Part 1: I am a Child of God // Jamie Nunnally



Have you noticed division and immaturity within the body of Christ? When God’s people don’t act right, it’s because they don’t know who they are. In this message, the first of this sermon series, Pastor Jamie Nunnally will help you know your true identity. Your identity is who you think you are. Identity theft leads to an identity crisis. 1. Your identity decides your activity, and your activity decides your destiny.Who you think you are determines what you'll do. 2. How you see yourself determines how you treat yourself. How you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you.  During this series, we’re going to look at 4 different “fingerprints” that determine our identity: I am a child of GodI am unconditionally lovedI am in ChristI have purpose You are a Child of God1. You have a Heavenly Father.Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.”Image = resemblance (look like), likeness = nature (act like). You were created to look like God and act like God, but not