Cane And Rinse

Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath – Cane and Rinse No.21



"Steef! Steef! Steef! Steef!" In which Leon, Tony and Darren Gargette attempt to establish whether Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath's hallowed reputation is justified, as well as delving into the history of Oddworld; from Abe's days as a prestigious PSone platform star, through Munch's brief time in the sun to Stranger and what the future may hold for Oddworld Inhabitants.   Music used in this issue: 1: Fighting Outlaws by Michael Bross 2: Quest Up River by Michael Bross 3: Into the Darkness by Michael Bross Cane and Rinse 21 was edited by Sean O'Brien Do you have an opinion about this particular game or maybe about our podcast in general? Then why not venture into our forum and leave us your feedback. Whilst there you could also interact with our ever-growing and friendly community, in discussing past, present and future videogames (and lots of other stuff too!) and perhaps even arrange some games with like-mind