Episode 184 Katya Dorozhkina from Starta Ventures



Every week the show host John Siracusa talks with impressive fintech leaders and entrepreneurs, through conversation uncovers the remarkable stories behind them, their creations and the most important topics in fintech. You can subscribe to this podcast and stay up to date on all the stories here on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio In this episode the host John Siracusa chats with Katya Dorozhkina, founding partner at Starta Ventures.  Starta Ventures, funds and accelerates European startup founders into the U.S/global market. Immigration, sparks and helps fuel innovation.  This is the side of immigration that helps make our world be a better, more innovative place.  During this episode they chat about some interesting portfolio companies and successful exits.  Plus, funding them through the Starta Ventures hybrid crypto/fiat fund.   Tune in and Listen. Subscribe now on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio to hear Thursday's episode with Chris Sugden from Edison Par