Pamela R Haynes

Pamela R Haynes interviews Rezna Khatun author of Why I Loved My Abuser.



My name is Rezna Khatun, I’m the author of the book Why I loved my abuser, The reason I wrote this book is because friends and family always ask me why I stayed in a abusive relationship for so long I wrote this book to share and bring awareness on my 25yrs of mental, emotional, physical, gaslighting, sexual, abusive relationship. Every day I would be called stupid, dumb, retard, ugly, useless, brainless, I was made to feel so worthless and powerless my inner self was a very dark, lonely, isolated place. I was so lost I was unable to think for myself I did not see a away out I gave up hope and many times I planned to take my own life. I did love my husband and I kept believing that the best will come out of him, I do believe my husband was a narcissist he was extremely manipulative, he would go to any lengths to emotionally manipulate me for me to stay with him. In the last 10 years of my relationship I was kept like a prisoner in my own house with no contact and isolated from my friends and family. Once