Marooned! On Mars With Matt And Hilary

Green Earth, Episode 7: "Undecided," "Sacred Space," "Emerson for the Day:" Necessity, Joy, and Cats



In this, our PENULTIMATE episode in our examination of Green Earth, Matt and Hilary start off by sharing what they're going to miss after the global civilizational collapse (heat in the winter, showers, i.e., relief from the pressure to be clean), and talk about how we're not talking about the very real threat of civilizational collapse. Then we talk about Chapters 25, 26, and a bit of 27 before we run out of brain power. Here our conversation runs through decision-making and the myths surrounding it, complaints about sociobiology and evo psych and their connection to imagining responses to climate change, the ways history keeps us anchored to the present, realism and science fiction. How will we wrest freedom from the grasp of necessity? What is the ransom adequate to save the world? Are cats a liquid or a solid? We dive deep into Edgardo's experience of the Piazzolla concert and think about the premise that all joy is anticipatory, "dragged out from some better future time," and we lament the total unnecess