Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 196: Next-Level Writer – Plan and Persist



[Ep 196] Last time, I asked: Where do you want to be in a year? You may have read that and set a big, hairy, audacious goal—a BHAG. Or maybe you called it a “stretch goal.” You want to aim high and not settle for mediocre. You’re excited! You’re an optimist. “In a year, I’m going to be at the top of my game, more successful than I’ve ever been.” Big, Fast Success If you want it bad and can handle a focused, year-long push, you may nail it. If you have big resources to support big goals, this stretch-goal approach may be the way you level up fast. In a year (or less!) you may be the one saying: “I built a substantial author platform in six months and landed my book contract in eight. I’m on track to launch next year!” “I’m making a full-time income through my website now that I’ve quadrupled my blog traffic.” “I’m the keynote speaker at two major conferences thanks to my podcast taking off after just a few months.” Falling Short of Goals But if your time, money, energy, skills, experience, and su