Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 194: Next-Level Writer – Where Are You Now?



[Ep 194] When a client brought me along to New York City, the airport shuttle bus dropped us off near Times Square and we had to find our way to the hotel. For a couple of Midwesterners who had never set foot in New York, this was magical. Getting around, however, was a tad mystifying—at first. As quickly as possible we had to evaluate our location and figure out our next step. We pulled out our phones and used an app that located where we were in order to guide us to our hotel. It helped us find our way to the next destinations, as well. The app located where we were and guided us to a restaurant that night and the publishing house the next day. Where Are You Now? Mall maps show a big overview of the layout of the place and mark the keystone stores. You look for a big red arrow pointing to where you stand labeled “You are here.” It helps you figure out your next steps so you take the right path based on your destination and your starting point. That’s what we did in New York and that’s what we can do a