Parallax by Ankur Kalra

EP 74: Modern Medicine & Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita with Dr Kavitha Chinnaiyan



“Seek refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will amass the wealth of spiritual awareness. The one who is motivated only by the desire for the fruits of their action, and anxious about the results, is miserable indeed.” Bhagavad Gita In medical school, Dr Chinnaiyan was fascinated with embryology. The question that used to hunt her was how does once cell know to differentiate into so many different organs: what is that knowledge? In this week’s Parallax, Dr Ankur Kalra welcomes back Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan cardiologist, Professor of Medicine at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine and accomplished author. This nurturing episode focuses on questions that touch on what it is that we seek as human beings and how can we cultivate awareness and authenticity while practicing modern medicine. Ankur asks Kavitha about what it means to be spiritual as a cardiologist. Kavitha talks about the experiences made possible by mindfulness. They discuss the difference between conditioning and growth.