Seed Of Abraham Messianic Congregation

Acts of the Emissaries Chapter 26 Part 6



Continuing through the Book of Acts Chapter 26, part 6. Starting in verse 19. Here we see Paul making the statement that he (Paul/Saul) was not saying anything beyond what the prophets and Moses said would happen. Also discussed is Luke 24 where Yeshua explains on the road to Emmaus to his disciples from the scriptures all that the Messiah (Himself) would fulfill. From there we give an list of scriptures by topic that possibly Yeshua would use in that teaching. It must have been an amazing experience. We apologize that we cannot give you a list of the scriptures used in this sermon however we recommend you do your own research on the internet. Here is an example: This sermon was given during our Saturday Shabbat service on July 16, 2022 by Messianic Rabbi Frank Davis.