The Tiffany Rouge Academy

Nice Guys Start with Meditation



We all have that friend who’s a genuinely nice person because they don’t ever try to be one, they’re too busy bending over backwards to help someone. I drill in on how Xylon McEwan came to be the nice person that he is today.He shares the downfalls of being a nice person, but he also shares where he gets it from and how he uses mediation to keep is niceness in check.This week’s episode is great listen if you’ve wondered how someone is so nice all the time.You can keep up to date with all of Xylon’s niceness here – can continue the conversation of being a nice person here – can suss out Sounds Like an Earful here -|Tiffany is a Plant Medicine & Microdose Enthusiast, a Medicine woman and Spiritual Speaker. She's passionate about helping others find a state of homeostasis within themselves and equipping them with daily spiritual practices to help them stay there. In other words