By Faith With Christine Hoover

Olga Zapolska on Choosing Love Rather Than Fear After the Death of Her Son



Christine sits down with Olga Zapolska to hear her story of watching her home nation, the Soviet Union, dissolve, and how she met Christ after coming out of a communist country. Olga then shares about getting the phone call every mother never hopes to get, a phone call where she learned her son had been killed by a drunk driver. Olga shares how God was near to her even as she was thousands of miles away from her son, how he provided miraculously for her family, and how she is learning to choose love rather than fear. She also shares what she said to the man who killed her son in her victim impact statement--a lesson to all of us in forgiveness that only God can author.Sign up for Christine's monthly newsletterSponsorsFind out more about the new book, Joy in the Sorrow, at Find out more about Labor With Hope by Gloria Furman at with ChristineWebsite // Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Books Subscribe to the "By Faith" PodcastiTunes // Stitcher // Google Play //