By Faith With Christine Hoover

Maegan Clark on When Your Dreams Are Shattered to Dust



Christine chats with her friend Maegan Clark about when Maegan literally lost everything: her marriage, her dreams of children, a ministry job she loved, and even her home. But she also shares how God has resurrected her life, changed her heart through the pain and difficulty, and what she’d say to all of us who have lost what we most hoped for. LINKS FROM THE SHOWCharlottesville Community Church // Romans 1 // John 11:25 // Psalm 34:6 // Philippians 1:6Sign up for Christine's monthly newsletterSponsorsFind out more about the new book, Joy in the Sorrow, at Find out more about Women in the Word by Jen Wilkin at with MaeganInstagramConnect with ChristineWebsite // Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Books Subscribe to the "By Faith" PodcastiTunes // Stitcher // Google Play // SpotifyLeave a Review of By Faith on iTunesMusic for By Faith created by The Silver PagesArtwork for By Faith created by Reed Harmon