Sticker Stories Podcast

Abby Glassenberg Co-Founder of the Craft Industry Alliance



Abby Glassenberg is a co-founder of the Craft Industry Alliance and now serves as its president. She’s a sewing pattern designer, teacher, and journalist. She’s dedicated to creating an outstanding trade association for the crafts industry. The Craft Industry Alliance was founded in 2015 by Abby and Kristin Link. They each had over a decades’ worth of experience as craft industry professionals. They’d been designers and producers, makers and retailers, writers and teachers. Their vision was to build a thriving trade organization that meets the specific needs of today’s craft industry professionals and offers an opportunity for makers, suppliers, designers and writers to join together as allies under a united “craft industry” umbrella. In 2022, Craft Industry Alliance became the strategic partner for h+h americas, a new trade show for the crafts industry. This event is a uniting force for crafts, bringing all businesses together in one place where they can showcase new goods, discover trends, network, and m