Burner Podcast

Episode 133: The Burning Man 2022 Pre-playa Planner



Athena Demos, Ginger Fox and Haley Who geek out about Waking Dreams The annual Pre-playa Planner returns after a two year hiatus. Athena Demos, Ginger Fox and Haley Who share which art projects they're eager to see, some thoughts on what they're excited about experiencing at Burning Man 2022 and a few insider tips and tricks on elevating the whole experience. No closing set this time! But what we do have is a bunch of links to explore and music to jam out to on your trip to Black Rock City. Visit BurnerPodcast.com/roadtrip2022 for playlists, music and more. ***** Some (most?) of the camps and projects referenced in this episode... facebook.com/BRCvr.org facebook.com/LamplighterLounge facebook.com/DustCityDiner instagram.com/sunrisedeepisland instagram.com/chomp_guide instagram.com/badlands_camp playajazz.com facebook.com/PlayaJazzCafe facebook.com/CelticChaosCommunity facebook.com/TheUnicornsCA instagram.com/divadanielle facebook.com/bigimaginationfoundation facebook.com/AREA15LasVegas facebook.com/group