George Perez Stories

#78 SideDick Eddie & Pizza Guy & Tommy Bzzt



#78 isn't the typical George Perez podcast like always, for this one we got two motha fucken guest today. Evander the usual Pizza guy shows up with some extra time on his hands and we put this fucker on the mic. The Pizza guy tells us crazy ass stories about dropping pizza off at cocaine parties, hoes that forget about ordering pizza ect... But just a heads up mid podcast Pizza guy had to leave, so thats when Tommy Ceo of BZZT Collective replaces him and he lets us know about how he started the company, about his home town RichCrest and ghetto ass oildale, and what he has in store for the future for BZZT collective. Stay tune till the end to find out how to get GEORGE PEREZ STORIES STICKERS SENT RIGHT TO YOU!!!#TakeaShowerWhitePower@GeorgePcomedy@SideDickEddie@Bzztcollective@_thatonex