Lens Of Liberty

No AirBnB Here



A friend, struggling to make ends meet, found that he could rent his spare room bythe night, and earn a nice supplemental income. But he also found out there arerules about competing with hotels. Cities from New York to Denver have startedadopting rules to stop such practices – not because there is any danger to publicsafety, but because Air B-n- B has become serious competition for hotels, just asUber competes with taxis. Many tourists enjoy staying at bed-and- breakfasts, andtraveling is a different experience when you get to know your hosts, in theirhomes. We understand why hotel chains may be threatened by such competition,but a look through the lens of liberty tell us this is not the government’s business.Such favoritism limits your choices, but if you don’t defend your right to staywherever you want, who will?