Mud & Blood

17: Coriolis Interview with Fria Ligan



Liam and Matt are joined by Nils Karlén & Kosta Kostulas from Fria Ligan to discuss their sci-fi masterpiece, Coriolis. This game shakes up the sci-fi norm by ditching the European cultural model and instead aims (and hits) an "Arabian Nights in Space" feel. With the enigmatic Dark Between the Stars providing a subtle supernatural threat, and combat which is gritty and lethal, this game definitely pushes all the right Mud & Blood buttons.Oh, and Matt will be running an Actual Play series featuring this game - Session Zero will be released in just over a week!To get in touch or discuss the show, you can find all of our social media links on our website: http://mbcast.coIf you like our show and would like to support us or get access to some exclusive content, we're on Patreon - take a look at Berserkir by Danheim