Business Of Betting Podcast

E180 - Jed Corenthal from Phenix RTS



In this episode of the Business of betting, Jason is joined by Jed Corithal, Chief Marketing Officer at Phenix Real Time Solution. Phenix is a B2B real-time video streaming solutions provider. The pair discussed the space Phenix operates in and how it's impacting the evolution of Sportsbooks.01:35 Introduction - Started in sports, went through entrepreneurship and ended up in OTT at Phenix. What is phenix, what does real time streaming mean 04:08 The Secret Sauce: Using content owners, streaming, data providers, Sportsbook integration, distribution system etc. … 08:28 Competitive landscape: Growth in the space, being leader in the market10:41 The future of Sports data: real time data and micro betting, moving from a bet & watch to watch & bet model, Sportsbook streaming in the UK vs US 15:30 OTT providers v Sportsbook stream: latency, HTTP live streaming, rights distribution, the impact on betting habits, partnerships 24:11 Conclusion on US legislation Follow us on: