Eros Evolution

Warrior Woman - A Path Away from Shame Toward Power



Aired Thursday, 29 June 2017, 4:00 PM ET Warrior Woman - A Path Away from Shame Toward Power We are living in extraordinary times. On both the material and spiritual level, there is a sense of things in flux. Our world feels overwhelming right now, doesn’t it? What are we to do, in this climate that is sometimes agressive, often separated from spirit, with very real risks in play? This transformation calls to all of us. You have a tremendous amount of power and there is much you can do to be physically and spiritually ready for resilience. It sometimes feels like there is something blocking your power though, doesn’t it? Very often, what blocks us is shame, and the value in holding on to shame is to try to assert control over our ability to belong. On the path of the Warrior Woman, then, the fight has to be in us and for us first before it can be for the world. The Warrior Woman belongs to herself first, and so releases shame and reclaims her power. A warrior is strong, brave, courageous, and powerful. She ri