Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

247: Nick Onken: Tapping Into Your Inner, Creative Genius



“I think identity alchemy is finding who you are at the core.” How do you identify and define yourself when you have multiple interests, multiple talents, multiple ways you see yourself interacting with the world? For Nick Onken, the answer is Identity Alchemy - the creative art of deconstructing who you are [and who you’ve been] so you can discover the essence that sits at your core.    This episode’s guest is Nick Onken - a creative alchemist who dances between the roles of photographer, hat designer, podcaster, artist, and entrepreneur. He’s lived a creative life where his curiosity has guided him to shed identities and redefine himself as his work and life have shifted and evolved.  In this episode, Nick and I explore the creative power we can all access - to unleash our inner genius. “Art inspires, art is the language that transcends and inspires people without language.” Nick Onken has been commissioned by top tier brands such as Nike, Coca Cola, Adidas