London Heal

Neuroplasticity - The Brain's Big Trick with Dr Michael Merzenich



Did you know your brain was capable of lifelong change? Are you aware that YOU are the controler of that change? My guest this week explains all. Dr Michael Merzenich is a world-renowned neuroscientist. Often called the 'father of brain plasticity', he is one of the scientists responsible for our current understanding of brain change across lifespan. In this episode Dr Merzenich explains brain plasticity and the changes that accompany growth and development. He discusses how specifically engaging the brain encourages plasticity to improve brain repair and brain aging. He describes how training the brain can be accomplished in daily life or supplemented with specifically-designed, computer-based training. The ability of brain training to avert or improve potential neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, is a major topic. Dr Merzenich provides some very persuasive experimental data to back it up. We discuss the importance of the signal to noise ratio in brain aging, and how to improve it. We talk about