Georgia Music Gamers Podcast

Ep #24 - THOMAS HOWARD INTERVIEW - 09/21/2019



In this monumental episode, we interview one of Bemani’s most extensive contributing musical artists, Thomas Howard Lichtenstein!  We learn about his rich history in producing music, many details about Konami employees he has worked with in the past, and quite possibly a few earth-shattering revelations along the way!  Check out the Georgia Music Gamers Podcast Youtube playlist for a Video Recording of this interview! [Please note we had slight audio problems until 14min 20sec due to connection issues. Thanks for understanding!]   * Please check out Thomas’ newest album release, created after two long years of effort.   Decades by Thomas Howard Lichtenstein   * Please check out “Stratosphere,” Thomas’ collaboration with Konami alum Toshio Sakurai a.k.a. TAS Project,  as mentioned in the interview.   * Please check out Thomas’ previous album release, as featured in