Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Podcast Episode 404 with Christopher McDougall



  Welcome! and Thank you for listening! You are too old not to run.  As my guest today, Christopher McDougall would add by the title of his book you are “Born To Run”.   You might ask why run? What are the benefits of running over other exercises? Is it better to run in groups or alone? Christopher McDougall has written about two running adventures that has taken him to the Copper Canyons of Mexico to run with the infamous Tarahumara tribe and to the Colorado Rockies to run a Burro race.  Yes, that is right, running with donkeys.  He embeds himself in his research on running adventures and tells the story of diverse people that unite, heal, and become enriched by their running experiences.  Born to run is a must read for those interested in running and fitness.  Running with Sherman is a great read for all who love animals and share the joy of how they can teach us to be better humans.  I look forward to Born to Run 2 for more education on running style and integrating the joys of running into more adventures