Don Woods

Farewell Queen Elizabeth 11



There has been endless coverage of the Queen lying in state with thousands and thousands of her loyal subjects queuing fo up to 24 hours to pass the coffin and show their respects showing how respected she was.....a wonderful lady .......and David Beckham has been praised for joining the line with everyone else instead of using his celebrity to jump the queue.....unlike Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby who have taken some stick. Football has returned after being cancelled out of respect....which is a good thing unless you support Leicester. One of the satellite channels has started showing old Benny Hill shows.....they haven't aged well....I used to find him funny back in the day but not now.....the sexism is totally over the top....not that I am bothered about that....but it just isn't funny any more...sorry Benny. Out of interest I watched a film on TV about Laurel and Hardy....called "Stan and Ollie" which covered the later years of the duo when they went on the road.....Stan being played by Steve