C View Quantum Network

9/16 ~ C View 2022 Messages From Metatron: Illness & Healing - Devi Nina Bingham



C View presents: Messages From Metatron Study Group Podcast. A Course in Self Transformation with Devi Nina Bingham. Episode: Illness and Healing - After the discussion of the chapter, we are opening our lines for live readings from Metatron (if he jumps in), Guides and Ancestors Are miracles real? Can we expect miracles? What are the conditions for healing? Call (805) 830-8344 to speak with the host or email (cview1111@gmail.com) to request DIRECT CONNECT to call with your computer Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12131908 - you can use this link to listen live and type your comments in the chatroom - same link to REPLAY #TAKEMYCALL jump the line for only $11.00 www.PayPal.me/Pureco/11 Everything in the body responds to a command of the brain, and each system of the body functions in perfect accordance with the will. The brain receives your will’s messages, encoded as electrical impulses, and these impulses activate the neurons controlling the bodily functions. Metatron predicts: There will be Universities