Future Role Model W/natasha Pearl Hansen

Episode 112: Grandma Mo Weathers Pt 1 Re-release



In honor of what's happening in our nation right now, supporting Black Lives Matter and honoring the Life of George Floyd, host Natasha Pearl Hansen has chosen to take a pause in new recordings for two weeks and re-release her two part interview from summer of 2019 with her Grandmother Mo Weathers.Mo was an activist in the civil rights movement in the 60's and supported the movement in every possible way her entire life. In this episode, she talks about her early years, and growing up in hard times in inner-city Chicago.Mo is also who Natasha attributes her diverse family to. For the next few weeks, Natasha will be honoring her Black side of the family, with interviews from her Mom, Granddad, and Cousin.Please enjoy the revival of this amazing story, and prepare for the amazing stories to come.Black Lives Matter.Podcast Website: https://www.comedypopupla.com/futurerolemodelFollow us:https://www.instagram.com/nphcomedyhttps://www.instagram.com/futurerolemodelhttps://www.instagram.com/comedypopup https://www.in