Future Role Model W/natasha Pearl Hansen

Episode 93: Lionell Dalton



Host Natasha Pearl Hansen and guest comedian Lionell Dalton get raw talking about the recent death of his role model Kobe Bryant and how comedians should have tact during tragedies... and then they get down and gritty chatting Lionell’s life in Philly, having a kid at 14 and working in barber shops, accidentally getting into a movie, moving to LA and getting a free ride at the Stella Adler acting studio, and then he shares one of the most badass first on-stage stories of all time!Podcast Website: https://www.comedypopupla.com/futurerolemodelFollow us:https://www.instagram.com/nphcomedyhttps://www.instagram.com/futurerolemodelhttps://www.instagram.com/comedypopup https://www.instagram.com/cpupodcasts