Gcf Austin

Lives Heart First



Discussion Notes: 1. Describe a time in your life when you “showed well” but behind the scenes, your heart was far from God. What did you learn from this season in your life? 2. Pastor Ryan described living heart first as “living with a genuine, deep-rooted desire to joyfully walk down the paths that God calls us to.” Are you joyfully walking in God’s calling for your life? Explain. 3. Lamentations 3:40 says, “Let us examine and probe our ways and let us return to the Lord.” It is important for all Christians to assess their lives and have a heart to “return to the Lord.” How does this apply to your life right now? 4. Do you serve out of willingness or drudgery? No matter the answer, explain why. 5. Do you live like your life depends on it? What do you think would change if you did?