Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 9: Your Favorite Character Dressed in Drag



Wow, it's been a while huh? Almost a month! Man, you guys must have been devastated, going without hearing our pristine sexy voices for so long. Sobbing in a corner like Sugao from Shonen Ashibe and hugging your makeshift Colton and/or Sid body pillows tightly, impatiently tapping the refresh button hping, ever so desperately, for a new episode to load. But that episode never came. So you sat there, wallowing in a mess of piss and tears, eyes red from sleepless nights waiting, ears perked for any hint of our beautiful voices. Your friends and family worried. You'd become a podcast-aholic. You needed your fix, and Manga Mavericks was your drug or choice. Finally, enough was enough. Your family put you in therapy. You resisted at first, but slowly, the therapist gained your trust. You talked. You learned things. About yourself, your problems. You joined Podcastaholics Anonymous, and over time, you got over your addiction. You were free. FREE! ...Or so you thought. The addiction could only be suppressed, not ove