Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 1: Meet the Manga Mavericks!



Join Life Lessons: The Gintama Manga Cast's Colton and All-Comic's manga reviewer Siddharth for the inaugural episode of All-Comics' new manga podcast, Manga Mavericks! While there are plenty of great series in the world of manga ripe for discussion, we're operating a little differently than most manga podcasts out there. Instead of a review show where we tackle a new series each episode or a selection of series through every episode, we're going to focus on manga as both a medium and an industry. Every week we'll chat about what's new in the world of manga, the state of the industry, and have discussion topics on various aspects of the manga experience. We'll also comment a bit on what we're currently reading, and new releases stateside worth checking out. In this first episode, we decided to let everyone get to know us as fans of manga and share our histories with the medium, as well as some of our favorite series. Listen on and become nostalgic for the days of the mid-aughts, back when Shonen Jump was st